EnerSave HF Electronic Ballast

Ener Save HF Electronic is an advanced electronics component for fluorescent fixtures that reduce energy consumption while providing a more comfortable lighting. HF Electronic removes annoying humming noise, presents fast ignition without flashing on and off blinking.


Reduces power consumption
No annoying hum noise
Increases fluorescent lamps
Rapid ignition without flash
Flicker-free and more comfortable illumination

New technology reduces energy
Ener Save HF Electronic lowers power consumption by up to 30% while reducing the need for cooling the premises. Operating costs can therefore be reduced by up to 50%. HF Electronic saves on both operation and maintenance. The ballast also provides a flicker-free, comfortable lighting (38 kHz and no strobe effect) with quick ignition of fluorescent lamps without blinking.

HF Electronic Ballast - reduces energy consumption and increases the fluorescent lamp's life considerably.

Acma HP 4900 Four Seasons

Acma HP Four Seasons is a heat pump without outdoor unit that works with both air / air and exhaust air, while increasing efficiency. Get fresh air, ventilation and air cleaning in the bargain! The unit is certified to ventilate radon which is a problem in many homes.

ICOOL - Aircondition / Heat pump

Tired of the heat? Obtain pleasant coolness of fresh air! Install yourself a ICOOL AC unit without outdoor unit. Only two holes in the wall and grounded electrical outlet (do not require permission).

Building Master

Building Master is an energy-saving heating controller for multi-family properties. With Building Master you can easily set the desired indoor temperature, the system takes care of the rest.

Fresh air ventilation

Did you know you can get both heating, air condition and fresh air ventilation from one unit? See more under products. We have both Acma HP 4900 Four Season and ICOOL.

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